The Body of Christ

two person standing near white church

One of the trends I’ve noticed among Christians is the increasing desire to skip out on going to the physical building of Church. I say this because as believers we are the Church and often when this is understood, people turn from the location – thinking it useless. This is to be frank, quite incorrect.

Romans 12: 3 – 8

These verses have to do with the body of Christ and using our God given gifts to serve others. We do not and cannot have the same function. Interestingly enough the apostle Paul addresses this in another letter to the Corinthian church, also in the twelfth chapter.

1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 31

One of the many things that I love about this chapter is the understanding that unity comes through diversity. We were made to be different! Different from the world and different from each other, yet of one mind and one body.

If we as believers stop congregating two things happen: firstly, we become incapable of growth and secondly, we hinder the function of the rest of the body. Now let’s unpack those statements.

If you were to lose a finger, or a hand, what happens to them? They die. This is a very important doctrine to understand. If as a believer of Christ you stop going to church, you disengage from the rest of the body. What do you suppose will happen then?

We are the Church! It is necessary for us to be connected with the rest of our body and thus with the Lord. You simply cannot have a strong, functioning relationship with a body that you are apart from.

Now for the other statement. Whoever you are or wherever you came from and no matter what you’ve suffered – you have gifts that were given to you by our Father. When we stop going to congregate we remove these gifts from those around us. It must also be clear that the same loss of a finger or a hand will be equally damaging to the body itself. When you remove yourself from church (the building and body) you cripple the power of Christ. His power works in us and through us not because He is incapable but because He desires us to be like Him.

Please do not stop going to church ever.

I understand how difficult it can be but we need each other brothers and sisters. If you’re sick or drowning in sinful behaviors the best place to be is in church.

Until next time,

Colton Charles Mckay, a saint of God